EEM is a New Field with Ancient Roots
Eden Energy Method was developed by Donna Eden in the 70's, using 9 different energy systems to help restore balance in our bodies physically, emotionally and spiritually. Drawing heavily from Eastern health practices, and building on what is already known in Western science and medicine, EEM is a compliment to all methods of healing.
Energy is Everything, how it moves through our body affects our day to day lives. Stress, Anxiety, Injury, Pain, lack of joy and vitality, Immune system, the inability to release and relax or quiet the mind………. it’s all Energy!
We underestimate the power of the Human body and its natural drive to survive, and the will to live even when life throws us challenges. We often can’t control these challenges, but by working with the subtle energy systems, we can maintain, or return the body to a place of balance, peace and ease, bringing with it health and wellbeing.
Energy IS the Medicine:
Energy is the basis of every movement the body makes, from the heart pumping blood, to how we react in stressful situations. Energy needs to move smoothly and freely throughout the body, when it gets blocked, we can feel unbalanced and uncomfortable. I like to think in pictures so… Much like a freeway full of vehicles, all is fine until a car breaks down, the freeway gets backlogged, cars start running into each other and going on other routes to try and keep the "flow”, this breakdown now has created havoc on the smaller side roads that were not meant to carry that load. Chaos and imbalance is felt all over the place. Our Body is much the same, when we have an imbalance in one area of the body, it compensates by calling on all of the other areas to help carry the load. We can only do this for short periods of time before we start having symptoms of one kind or another and over longer periods of imbalance, it becomes harder and harder to maintain health either physical or emotional. Energy needs to keep moving to work efficiantly, but many things can happen in our lives that create blocks, and imbalances. Working with various protocols, acupressure points, Meridians, Chakras, Neurovascular or Neurolymphatic points on the body or in the bio-field, EEM works to remove these blockages and enables the body to return to a place of balance and healing.